
栏目: 健康 编辑: 争兴健康网 浏览量: 0



An Apple a Day 一天一个苹果


An apple a day Sends the doctor away

一天一个苹果 医生不用管我

Apple in the morning Doctor's warning

早上吃个苹果 医生担心没事做

Roast apple at night Starves the doctor outright

晚上烤个苹果 医生饿得揭不开锅

Eat an apple going to bed Knock the doctor on the head

睡前啃个苹果 医生抱头直叹苦

Three each day, seven days a week Ruddy apple, ruddy cheek


what touches heart comes from heart. 发自内心的东西才会感人.从一件小事说起,透过小事说明一个道理或是抒发一种情感.不喊口号空号. 给你选了15个题目,自己想象发挥也行,需要我帮你出点子可来邮件. 1. lessons of failure 2. Keep swimming(Sink or Float) 3. Value Every Minute 4. Why mothers cry 5. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 6. The Smile behind The Tear 7 Never, Never Give Up! 8. A Mistake I will Never Repeat 9. The Power of a Smile 10. A Lesson For Life 11. The meaning of life 12. The greatest pain in life 13. The Window 14. Nothing to fear 15. Beginning today


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